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The senate of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno, appointed a bunch of people to new jobs and passed a civic engagement bill on Jan. 22. Here’s what went down: 

New event programming leadership wants to address Welcome Week Concert troubles 

The senate filled three seats in the Department of Programming, which plans events with ASUN funds — including this year’s troubled Welcome Week Concert. Issues in the department’s climate came to light last year with staff departures. Resignation letters complained of understaffing and a negative work environment. 

Event programmer Greydon Geil stepped up to be Assistant Director of Budget and Assessment, and senators confirmed her unanimously. Geil’s new job will include managing the department’s money. 

“I feel like the harshest criticism of ASUN and programming as a whole is that students don’t know where their money is going,” Geil said. 

Geil also brought up plans to hold what would’ve been the Welcome Week Concert this semester, in the spring. As it stands, the current concert budget is $155,000, according to Geil. 

Senators also unanimously confirmed Brianna Bouknight as Assistant Director of Marketing and Interns, and Alexander Baroyan as a new event programmer. 

Changes on political engagement committee 

A new bill and a new leader mean changes for the Committee on Democratic and Civic Engagement. In the ASUN senate, committees do things like coordinate with other organizations and revise bills before senators vote on them. 

The Committee on Democratic and Civic Engagement helps with things that involve college students in politics outside of the university, from voter education to actual lobbying. It now has a new leader in Ethan McNamara, who was confirmed unanimously as the new chair. 

A new bill, “S.B. 92 – A Bill to Reform the Liaison Positions of DCE” also gives the committee new liaisons for the Office of Service Learning and Civic Engagement — an official university office — and governing bodies like the Reno City Council, the Board of Regents and the Nevada State Legislature. 

The liaisons are in charge of communicating with these other organizations and reporting what they learn. The Nevada Political Affairs Liaison, who will be the one watching local government, will also be responsible for keeping tabs on new student fees. 

Student fees suddenly increased over $200 this past December when the Board of Regents approved four university proposals — three of which were endorsed with a resolution by ASUN.

The ASUN department in charge of its political efforts outside of the university, the Department of Government Affairs, also has a new director in Kennedy Taylor. Senators confirmed Taylor unanimously. She’ll lead the department through the current legislative session, which starts Feb. 3

New AG wants to follow Open Meeting Law “to the letter” 

Senators unanimously confirmed Antony Kuhl, former senator for the College of Engineering, as the new Attorney General. The AG makes sure ASUN follows its own written rules. 

In his presentation to the senate, Kuhl stressed Nevada Open Meeting Law, which requires all public bodies — including ASUN — to provide details of their meetings to the public. ASUN recently failed to meet Open Meeting Law requirements this past year. 

“I’m hoping to ensure that Nevada Open Meeting Law is followed to the letter,” Kuhl said. “I feel it’s very important that we keep our standards, and also important for our constituents that we have other rules besides the rules we’ve written for ourselves.” 

Liesel Kemmelmeier, ASUN’s vice president, also announced the rollout of new student discounts as part of the Pack-Friendly Business program.

Peregrine Hart can be reached via email at or on Instagram @pintofperegrine. 


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