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Correction 1:57 p.m.: The Atlantic will be here for a one-day event on May 2 at 5:30 p.m.

The University of Nevada, Reno will welcome The Atlantic for a one-day event as the first stop on their “Democracy at Crossroads” tour to discuss the growing political polarization in the United States, along with the tense circumstances surrounding the upcoming 2024 election.

Adam Harris, a staff writer for The Atlantic, told The Nevada Sagebrush that a college environment has a wealth of communication, due to the new environment of diverse people that many may not have experienced before. This is where the conversation of politics comes into play.

“College is such a place that has that central exchange of ideas,” Harris said. “That makes it such a critical place to have these conversations about political polarization in the future of the nation.”

Harris said that the U.S  has entered into a completely unprecedented environment with the 2024 election season, mainly referring to Donald Trump, former U.S. president, who is the defendant in multiple court cases and still running for presidency as a Republican candidate this year.

He added that journalism during this time is essential and that many people in this time are ignoring or denying the truth. During this election season, their primary goal is to stick to the journalistic mission and find the facts.

“We’re speaking truth to power, we’re trying to give voice to the voiceless,” Harris said. “But at the root, we’re trying to get to the truth.”

Harris and his co-staff writers Elaina Plott Calabro, Ron Brownstein and contributing writer Evan Smith will take the Nightingale Concert Hall on May 2 at 5:30 p.m. The event on the following day at 3:30 p.m. will include an interview conducted by Jon Ralston, founder of The Nevada Independent of Francisco Aguilar, Nevada’s secretary of state, about the importance of free and fair elections and will not include The Atlantic.

Harris said having these conversations and political debates is so important on a college level because it is students’ futures riding on the line. He urges students to follow their compass and look for the truth.

“It’s going to be a difficult decision. No one’s ever said it should be an easy thing to do,” Harris said. “But I also think if students are letting their moral compasses guide them and also doing so with information that is reputable … you have the power to move the needle. Your vote could potentially change the outcome of an election.”

After hitting UNR, the magazine will venture to Morehouse College in September and Michigan State University in October.

Jaedyn Young can be reached at or on Twitter @jaedyn_young3.


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