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With a light agenda today, the Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno met on Jan. 31 to discuss one bill that was presented at the table.

S.B. An Act to Remove the Office of the Secretary From the Statutes of the Associated Students

Joel Martin, the senator for the College of Liberal Arts, and Tori Beaulac, the senator for the College of Science, presented and authored this piece with Ally Chavez, secretary of the senate. The bill would remove the secretary from the statutes.

According to the legislation, the secretaries are employees of the Center of Student Engagement, not officers of ASUN and therefore are not managed by ASUN’s governing documents. As a result, the presenters are pushing for this office to be removed from the statutes.

Jefrin Jojan, senator for the College of Engineering, asked what the harm was in keeping the secretaries in the statutes and wondered why they removed it if it wasn’t going to bring any changes.

Beaulac and Chavez pointed out that the secretaries are employees of the CSE and would therefore not go through ASUN for any department changes.

The bill passed with only one ‘no’ vote from Jojan.

Jaedyn Young can be reached at or on Twitter @jaedyn_young3.

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