Louis Bubala/Nevada Sagebrush
Flo Rida jumps around on stage with Varie Fresh during the Welcome Week Concert on September 2.

Louis Bubala/Nevada Sagebrush
Varie Fresh raps alongside Flo Rida during the Welcome Week Concert on September 2. Flo Rida brought out Varie Fresh, Int'l Nephew and Oya Baby alongside himself.

Louis Bubala/Nevada Sagebrush
Flo Rida hypes up the crowd during the Welcome Week Concert on September 2.

Louis Bubala/Nevada Sagebrush
Int'l Nephew raps during the Welcome Week Concert on September 2. Flo Rida brought Int'l Nephew to perform alongside him.

Louis Bubala/Nevada Sagebrush
Students put their hands up for Flo Rida during the Welcome Week Concert on September 2. Tickets for the event were $25 if purchased ahead of time, but $35 the day of the event.

Louis Bubala/Nevada Sagebrush
Louis Bubala/Nevada Sagebrush Flo Rida raps his best hits on September 2. The rapper had an entourage of back up dancers.

Louis Bubala/Nevada Sagebrush
A student sits atop someone's shoulders on September 2. Students jumped as Flo Rida rapped to his songs.

Rachel Jackson/Nevada Sagebrush
Rachel Jackson/Nevada Sagerbush Students put their hands up for Flo Rida on September 2. Flo Rida worked the crowd during the concert and even brought people up onto the stage.

Rachel Jackson/Nevada Sagebrush
Flo Rida puts his hands up for the Wolf Pack on September 2. Rapper Yung Joc was supposed to be present, but did not make an appearance the day of the event.