As election season for the Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno kicks off, the Nevada Sagebrush will be highlighting the candidates and the election process over the semester.
Primary voting will occur from March 6-7 and general elections will occur March 13-14. The results will be posted by 8 p.m. on March 14.
Here are the bios and photos of each of your candidates for the 2024 election:
College of Liberal Arts

Leaf Acklin:
Leaf Acklin, a dedicated sophomore majoring in Political Science at the vibrant campus of Vegas, is vying for re-election as part of the College of Liberal Arts (COLA). With a passion for fostering a sense of community and understanding between students and faculty, Leaf has been instrumental in bridging the gap through various initiatives.
One of Leaf’s standout contributions is the organization of events such as the Majors and Minors fair, providing students with valuable insights into academic pathways and opportunities within the college. These events not only serve as informative platforms but also create a sense of unity and shared purpose among students. Going beyond the confines of his major, Leaf has been a tireless advocate for the inclusion of Tagalog courses in the curriculum. Recognizing the importance of cultural diversity and language education, he strives to enrich the academic experience for all students on campus. In a bold move towards civic engagement, Leaf has proposed class cancellations on Election Day. Understanding the significance of active participation in democracy, he aims to provide students with the time and opportunity to exercise their right to vote without the constraints of academic commitments. Leaf’s commitment to accessibility is further exemplified by his vision to expand 24/7 access to the PSAC during finals. This initiative aims to create a more conducive environment for learning, collaboration, and research, ensuring that students have the resources they need whenever they need them.
As you consider your vote, remember that Leaf Acklin represents not just a political science student but a dynamic advocate for ongoing advocacy and connection within the College of Liberal Arts. His dedication to fostering a sense of community, promoting cultural diversity, and enhancing educational accessibility makes him a compelling candidate for re-election.
Vote for Leaf Acklin – a champion for progress and unity in COLA.

Evan Robinson:
Evan Robinson is an driven student activist who is double majoring in Political Science and Gender, Race, and Identity. Evan has been a community leader through legislative accomplishments in the Nevada Legislature. His commitment to protesting and petitioning his local government spearheaded the passage of NV Assembly Bill 73. This legislation protected the rights of all Nevadans to wear cultural items during graduation. While at UNR Evan has served the community through his position as a Residential Assistant in Argenta Hall helping first year students adjust to the campus environment. Evan has also worked in the Gender, Race and Identity office to promote courses through engaging marketing materials. In his previous role as Advocacy Director in ASUN’s department of Government Affairs he co authored legislation with an ASUN Senator titled “A Resolution in support of Feifei Fan” This legislation addressed issues reguarding sexual assault the community expressed dissatisfaction with. Moreover, Evan frequently encouraged students to give public comments to representatives to promote ASUN’s commitment to democratic processes.
If Evan were elected, he plans to increase efforts to promote diversity and inclusion of intersectional groups on campus. Additionally, he commits to improving campus safety and providing students with more career development opportunities. If elected he pledges to actively listen to the needs of students and champion their concerns with actionable legislation that leads to tangible change. Evan emphasizes the importance of Diversity Driving Progress and wants voters to remember his commitment to advocacy for students through his past accomplishments and future endeavors.

Carmina Aglubat:
Hey pack! My name is Carmina and I’m a first year political science major. Although I’m a first year at this university, I’ve always had a strong sense of pack pride as I grew up immersed in the campus and community. It is with that pack pride and love which emboldens me to run for office, as I want to be able to serve this university and student body. At the same time, I can offer a unique perspective with fresh eyes and an innovative mind that is not afraid to find the imperfections of the current institution in order to improve it.
My campaign is centered on these 3 pillars:
- Driving Progress-
To drive progress, I will work on initiatives that foster a more equitable and inclusive university, which includes increasing support for the multicultural center, promoting DRC resources and empowering student voices. Additionally, I will prioritize the college’s best interests, speak with integrity and craft legislation with an advocacy-focused mindset.
- Fighting for Change-
I will fight to improve ASUN’s communication, transparency and integrity. I plan to do that by hosting weekly office hours and reaching out to Liberal Arts-affiliated organizations and leaders to understand the ideas and concerns of the students. In terms of increasing transparency and integrity, I will work to make ASUN’s budget more accessible for students to view and express their opinions, and instill a sense of public service at the Senate table by making Senators’ work public and holding them accountable to their constituents.
- Fostering Creativity-
Our college is at the heart of the university’s creativity. Therefore, I am passionate about advocating for the importance of the College of Liberal Arts, emphasizing its significance within academia and society. I am committed to securing funding and preserving the fine arts, social sciences and humanities within the university.

Joel Martin:
As a proud third generation Nevadan, born and raised in Reno, Joel has a vested interest and is dedicated to making the University of Nevada, Reno and its community a better place through your voice. Joel sees great potential in the coming year for major improvements within ASUN and the University as a whole.
With a proven track record, Joel will continue bringing your voice to the table in a third term by focusing on the issues that actually matter to you. Survey after survey shows that student fees, increased transparency within ASUN, and a stronger community are some of our student body’s greatest concerns—these are Joel’s three main focuses.
Aside from being a Political Science student at UNR, Joel spends his free time enjoying everything Reno and the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains have to offer. From skiing and hiking, to cycling and golfing, Joel is a very active person with a love of the outdoors and personal health. After a long day on campus, you might run into Joel grabbing coffee at Buzzed, having dinner with friends at the Laughing Planet, or jogging by the beautiful Truckee River with his Labradoodle, Colby.
With a love for the University and its community, and a passion for public service and outreach, you can be sure that Joel is the candidate that will actually bring your voice to the table.

College of Business
Tucker Godspeed:
I’m running for Senate within the College of Business because I have grown a deep sense of care and pride for our university during my time here. If elected, I will aim to rejuvenate historical student-oriented events, streamline academic resources to students within the College of Business, and address expensive parking costs on campus. Additionally, continuing to foster a progressive atmosphere of diversity and inclusion on campus will be a priority of mine. Perhaps most importantly, I will strive to listen to the student voice to address their academic needs within the College of Business.
Steven Spurlock:

Steven Spurlock is a passionate undergraduate student who strives to improve The University of Nevada, Reno. In his roles as the Professional Development Chairman for Business Student Council and the Treasurer for Economics Club, he has made himself visible and impactful in The College of Business. If elected as a College of Business Senator, he will strive to be a positive representation within the Senate for all College of Business students. Specifically, discussions with students will happen regularly to ensure they are represented in the proper manner. In addition to proper representation, he is passionate about spending the tuition money of the student body frugally. If elected, the students’ dollars and opinion are going to be of the utmost importance. Lastly, he has seen first hand the limitations that are put on clubs and organizations. If given the opportunity to serve as a Senator he will strive to make policy changes to the bureaucratic process of starting, running, and maintaining a club.

Ramisha Ibrahim:
Hello everyone! My name is Ramisha Ibrahim. I grew up in Reno, Nevada, and I am originally from Bangladesh. I am majoring in Business Finance and Information Systems.
I am dedicated to advocate diversity within the College of Business, ensuring that every individual not only feels included but truly valued for their unique contributions. Furthermore, I believe in the importance of prioritizing mental health initiatives, recognizing them as fundamental to our students’ overall well-being and success. My commitment is dedicated to creating an environment that not only supports but empowers every student to reach their full potential. Additionally, I aim to collaborate with the College of Business to support its growth and progress.
Senator candidates Drew Britson, Carson Fish and Max Kiker did not to respond to request for comment.
School of Journalism

Makayla Mirth:
Makayla Mirth is a second year at the University of Nevada Reno. She recently took a leep of faith when she decided to follow her true passion as a Journalism major. However, she is no stranger to the Senate table as she was the Senator for College of Business for the 91st session. If elected, Mirth wants to focus on involvement! It should be no question to a student wether or not their voice is heard. RSJ only gets one seat at the table; this should not be taken lightly! Mirth pledges to be an advocate for the people, not her own agenda. As a previous Senator, Mirth understands that a Senator’s job is to seek succes for the students of UNR not herself. Listening and participating in outreach with constituents is the biggest part of the job. RSJ needs a Senator that puts this first. Vote Mirth to be YOUR voice at the table.

Kelsea Frobes:
Last session, I co-wrote S.R. 91- “A Bill to Financially Support Student Media Via a Credit Fee”. This bill allows for students to vote on whether or not they would be willing to pay a fee of $1.29 per credit that would fund student media on campus including The Nevada Sagebrush, Wolf Pack Radio, Brushfire Literature and Arts Journal, and Insight Magazine. Being a part of the Reynolds School has become such an invaluable aspect of my life, and it has enriched my life in so many ways. I am involved in the RSJ Student Council, the RSJ Diversity Committee, the Student Media Advisory Board, and have assisted in planning and preparing events such as the RSJ Fest, and even suggested the Journalism Student Hub on Canvas. As a senator running for a second term this session, I am looking forward to continuing my advocacy for RSJ students and their needs as well as becoming Speaker Pro Tempore in hopes of mentoring the Legislative Interns of the 92nd session. I currently have so many ideas for RSJ that are currently being planned, including connecting alumni with undergraduate and graduate students as well as turning RSJ Fest into a multi-day career-enhancing event.

College of Science
Tori Beaulac:
Hi Wolfpack!
I’m Tori Beaulac, a junior studying neuroscience and proudly serving as your Senator in the 91st session at the University of Nevada, Reno. My journey here has been fueled by a deep passion for positive change and a genuine commitment to all.
During my time in office, I’ve been dedicated to making our campus more inclusive and supportive for all. I’m thrilled to say that I played a vital role in creating legislation that ensures fair compensation for all ASUN officers, regardless of their citizenship status. Equity and inclusivity aren’t just meaningless phrases; they’re values that guide every action I take.
Yet, beyond mere policy, it’s about individuals and their needs. I’ve seen the impact of student health concerns firsthand, which is why I’ve been an advocate for distributing fentanyl testing strips and naloxone. Our community’s well-being is my top priority, and I’m committed to addressing the challenges we face head-on.
Looking ahead, my goals involve working with the College of Science faculty. With a new Dean guiding us, I’m optimistic about the positive changes we can achieve to enhance our academic lives. It’s important to me that your voices are heard, and I’m committed to establishing efficient channels for feedback. Together, let’s enact real change.
Emma Doty:

My name is Emma Doty and I was appointed as an ASUN Senator for the College of Science in October. Since then, I have been working hard to build an equitable campus for all. I have worked with Facilites Services to correct safety hazards on campus and brought up accessibility issues to both Facilites Services and Residential Life. I am currently working with the Department of Campus Wellness and the Student Health Center to put on an awareness event centered on cancer screening and prevention. I hope to build on these achievements in the 92nd session, and I’d also like to build a College of Science student advisory board and work with Nevada Dining to address student concerns about food safety and prices. Elections are March 13 and 14. Go Pack!

Vera Vaz:
Hi Wolf Pack! My name is Vera Vaz and I’m a junior from Fallon, Nevada majoring in neuroscience and biochemistry and molecular biology as well as I’m in the Honors College. I’m incredibly grateful to be currently serving as your senator for the college of science and I would love to continue advocating for students during the next session.
As a member of the IDEA committee, I’m dedicated to ensuring all aspects of the university are not only accessible but welcoming to students of all backgrounds. I’m passionate about strengthening the community within the college of science by creating a Canvas page to showcase students’ work and to connect them to related opportunities. Additionally, I plan to revive the student advisory board to further amplify students’ voices. Other initiatives I hope to enact include lowering student fees and improving parking services.
Outside of ASUN, I enjoy being an involved member of the UNR community and volunteering.
Through being a part of Gray for Glioblastoma, MEDLIFE, Nevada Helping Hands, Kesem, and
Friends of MSF as well as a former Science and Engineering Commissioner for the Department
of Clubs and Organizations, I’ve had the opportunity to interact with a wide variety of students
and learn about ways to better serve my constituents. I also was a NevadaFIT mentor, discussion
leader, and TA where I was inspired to ensure students’ wants were being met in the classroom
Jofran Rea:

Meet Jofran – a compassionate advocate for equal opportunities and inclusivity. He is deeply dedicated to ensuring that everyone, regardless of background or disability, has equal access to education and opportunities in STEM fields. Jofran’s heart is set on empowering underrepresented minorities in science, especially those from Latino communities. He believes that by reaching out to young students from diverse backgrounds in science through partnerships with community organizations, we can create a more equitable future in STEM. Jofran has gained valuable experience campaigning in three consecutive Nevada elections and has prior knowledge of how legislation works. Jofran’s mission is to provide mentorship, scholarships, and culturally tailored resources to address the underrepresentation of minorities in STEM. With his unwavering commitment to inclusivity and collaboration, Jofran is resolute in his determination to create a better future for all.
Vera Vaz:
Hi Wolf Pack! My name is Vera Vaz and I’m a junior from Fallon, Nevada majoring in
neuroscience and biochemistry and molecular biology as well as I’m in the Honors College. I’m
incredibly grateful to be currently serving as your senator for the college of science and I would
love to continue advocating for students during the next session.
As a member of the IDEA committee, I’m dedicated to ensuring all aspects of the university are
not only accessible but welcoming to students of all backgrounds. I’m passionate about
strengthening the community within the college of science by creating a Canvas page to
showcase students’ work and to connect them to related opportunities. Additionally, I plan to
revive the student advisory board to further amplify students’ voices. Other initiatives I hope to
enact include lowering student fees and improving parking services.
Outside of ASUN, I enjoy being an involved member of the UNR community and volunteering.
Through being a part of Gray for Glioblastoma, MEDLIFE, Nevada Helping Hands, Kesem, and
Friends of MSF as well as a former Science and Engineering Commissioner for the Department
of Clubs and Organizations, I’ve had the opportunity to interact with a wide variety of students
and learn about ways to better serve my constituents. I also was a NevadaFIT mentor, discussion
leader, and TA where I was inspired to ensure students’ wants were being met in the classroom
Senator candidates Camille Levy and Emma Stauffenberg did not respond for comment.
College of Social Work
Abigail Castro:

Abigail Castro is excited to be running for the Senate seat for the School of Social Work! Her hope for the 92nd session, if elected, is to contribute to implementing policy that supports students’ mental and physical wellbeing, and to act as an advocate for equal opportunities for all students alike. She hopes to act as a liaison to best represent the School of Social Work, to support and address student needs.

Honors College
Madison Kitch:
Hi Wolfpack! My name is Madison Kitch, and I’m a first-gen student running for the new Honors College Senate seat. I’m majoring in Journalism and minoring in Political Science. I’ve always taken an interest in political science, so representing the Honors College in the Senate is a dream of mine. As senator, I want to focus on funding as well as student engagement. The Honors College has seen an impressive increase in enrollment in the last two years, and keeping that momentum is of utmost importance. Students are my number one priority, and representing my constituents accurately would be an honor. Go Pack!
Aiden Houghtling:

Ayden Houghtling is a first-year student dual-majoring in Political Science and Sociology. He is a participant in the TRIO Classic Scholars program as a first-generation student as well as a current intern in the ASUN Senate. He understands the importance of the upcoming session as it will be the first time the Honors College is represented in the Senate. Ayden intends to increase student engagement in the Honors College by educating students on ways they can get involved and encouraging those who do not know their ideas and interests can be represented on campus. A Senator is a representative after all, so they need their constituents to be involved.
Looking forward, Ayden intends to advocate for the increase of the Honors College budget and to encourage others to do the same. This will allow the Honors College to offer more classes, more student services, and better advertise to and recruit new students to continue growing the college.
The Honors College should, and can be, the heart of student engagement on campus, being full of highly driven students with brilliant ideas. Ayden Houghtling knows that being a Senator means more than just growing the college, but helping every individual grow as well.
Senator candidates Kaiden Gibson, Lalise Gizaw, and Victor Panteloni did not respond to request for comment.
College of Engineering
Senator candidates Aween Ali, Antony Kuhl, Caden Riley and Dylan Morgan did not to respond to request for comment.
School of Public Health
Senator candidates Carla Palomares and Elijah Houghtelling did not to respond to request for comment.
College of Agriculture, Biotechnology And Natural Resources
Senator candidate Joelle Pickrell did not respond to request for comment.
College of Education and Human Development
Senator candidate Ethan Lawler did not respond to request for comment.
Jaedyn Young and Nick Stewart can be reached at or or on Twitter @NevadaSagebrush.
Corrections: Tori Beaulac and Vera Vaz were added to this document.