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In an already electrifying music scene, AFTRPRTY, the newly celebrated Reno band, made their grand debut to the stage at ‘The Blueprint’ shocking the audience with their electric, headlining performance. 

For two of its members, Clayton Posey and Gabriel LeGrange, it marked their first performance in five years. The night was a significant milestone not only for AFTRPRTY but also for the burgeoning local music scene, with a lineup that promised and delivered an unforgettable experience.

The event kicked off with Heaven07, who set the stage ablaze with their distinctive electro-pop sounds. Their energetic performance captivated the audience, setting a high bar for the rest of the night. The crowd, buzzing with anticipation, was quickly drawn into the pulsating rhythms and catchy hooks that have become synonymous with Heaven07.

Photo Credit Saurabh Chawla

Following this electrifying start, the spotlight shifted to Suhns, an alt-indie band also making their debut. Their performance was nothing short of remarkable, blending intricate melodies with powerful lyrics. Suhns’ fresh sound and dynamic stage presence left a lasting impression, securing their place in the hearts of the attendees. The audience was left in awe, eagerly awaiting the headlining act.

Photo Credit Saurabh Chawla

As the night progressed, the Holland Project’s 150-capacity venue saw an impressive turnout with 155 tickets sold, slightly exceeding its capacity. The excitement was palpable as AFTRPRTY took the stage, greeted by an outpouring of cheers and applause. The band’s synergy was immediately apparent, with Posey and LeGrange leading the charge, their chemistry and passion for music shining through.

Photo Credit Saurabh Chawla

AFTRPRTY’s set was a masterclass in performance art, seamlessly blending old favorites with new material. Their sound, characterized by intricate guitar riffs, driving basslines and emotive vocals, resonated deeply with the audience. It was a nostalgic yet refreshing experience, highlighting the band’s evolution while paying homage to their roots. Each song was met with enthusiastic responses, the crowd singing along and dancing with fervor.

The night culminated in a powerful finale that left the audience clamoring for more. AFTRPRTY’s debut was a statement – a testament to their well practiced and seamless performance and the vibrant Reno music scene. The ‘Blueprint’ proved to be a perfect venue for this memorable event, its intimate setting amplifying the connection between the bands and the audience.

Photo Credit Saurabh Chawla

Reflecting on the night, Posey and LaGrange expressed their gratitude for the overwhelming support.

Photo Credit Saurabh Chawla

AFTRPRTY’s return, supported by stellar performances from Heaven 07 and Suhns, marked a new chapter for the band and the local music community in Reno. It was a night of celebration, music, and a reminder of the powerful bond between artists and their fans.

As Reno’s music scene continues to grow and evolve, events like ‘Blueprint’ showcase the incredible talent and passion within the community. AFTRPRTY’s comeback was a resounding success, setting the stage for more memorable performances in the future.

Opinions expressed in The Nevada Sagebrush are solely those of the author and do not necessarily express the views of The Sagebrush or its staff. Emily Hess is a student at the University of Nevada studying journalism. She can be reached at and on Twitter @emilyghess3.

**In our previous report, we mistakenly noted the Holland Project’s capacity as 150; however, the venue actually accommodates up to 200 attendees. Despite this, the event still saw an impressive turnout with 155 tickets sold, ensuring a lively atmosphere that added to the night’s electrifying energy. The intimate setting of Holland Project, while slightly larger than initially reported, still played a crucial role in creating the strong connection between the bands and the audience, making AFTRPRTY’s debut an unforgettable experience. We apologize for the oversight and appreciate the ongoing support from our readers as we strive to deliver accurate and engaging coverage of Reno’s vibrant music scene.


  • Brigdon says:

    Holland’s capacity is 200. The show ruled, but capacity was not exceeded at this show

    • Emily Hess says:

      Thank you for the correction. You are right, Holland’s capacity is 200, and it was not exceeded during the event. We apologize for the oversight and appreciate your attention to detail.

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